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Tom Hordle

1st time passer
08 July 2013 - Tom passed 1st time with just 1 minor driving fault Well done Tom that was a brilliant result Also a very nice compliment from the Driving Examiner That was a really nice drive Tom well done<br />
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Many thanks Colin you really were a brilliant Instructor I will make sure that I recommend you to whoever asks for a Driving Instructor Thanks Again Tom
08 July 2013 - Tom passed 1st time with just 1 minor driving fault! Well done Tom, that was a brilliant result. Also, a very nice compliment from the Driving Examiner, "That was a really nice drive Tom, well done"

"Many thanks Colin, you really were a brilliant Instructor! I will make sure that I recommend you to whoever asks for a Driving Instructor. Thanks Again, Tom"

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Bronwen Lambert
11 June 2013 - Bronwen passed in Sevenoaks with only 3 minor driving faults! Well done Bronnie, that was an excellent result. "Thank you very much Colin for all your patience with me and all your ...
Bronwen Lambert

Lucy Bryant
Thank you so much for all your help.
Lucy Bryant