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Matt Jennings

1st time passer
12 December 2018 - Matt passed 1st time with only 5 minor driving faults! Well done Matt, that was a really good result.
12 December 2018 - Matt passed 1st time with only 5 minor driving faults! Well done Matt, that was a really good result.

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Oliver Gracey
19 July 2012 - Oliver passed first time with only 4 minor driving faults! Well done Oliver, that was an excellent result.
Oliver Gracey

New Ford Fiesta 1.6 tdci Econetic II Titanium
This is my new Driver Training car. It´s a Ford Fiesta 1.6 Tdci Diesel Econetic in Candy Blue. You could soon be driving this fantastic car! So, if you are thinking about learning to drive, plea ...
New Ford Fiesta 1.6 tdci Econetic II Titanium