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Maddie Brooks-Read

1st time passer
26 July 2019 - Maddie passed 1st time in very challenging conditions (heavy rain) with only 4 minor driving faults! Well done Maddie, that was an excellent result.
26 July 2019 - Maddie passed 1st time in very challenging conditions (heavy rain) with only 4 minor driving faults! Well done Maddie, that was an excellent result.

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Zoe Gracey
04 July 2011 - Zoe passed first time with just 2 minor driving faults. Well done Zoe, that was an excellent result.
Zoe Gracey

Kathryn Franks
03 October 2011 - Kathryn passed 1st time with just 8 minor driving faults. Well done Kathryn, that was a really good result.
Kathryn Franks