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Issy Chuter

1st time passer
27 December 2021 - Issy passed in Sevenoaks driving her own car at the first attempt and with only 1 driver fault! Well done Issy, that was an excellent result.
27 December 2021 - Issy passed in Sevenoaks driving her own car at the first attempt and with only 1 driving fault! Well done Issy, that was a brilliant result.

Standard rate
Flexible lesson times

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Emily Harle
01 September 2016 - Emily passed 1st time with only 4 minor driving faults! Well done Emily, that was an excellent result.
Emily Harle

New Car - Ford Fiesta 1.6 TDCi Titanium
15 July 2011 - Here's a picture of my new Driving School car. It's a Ford Fiesta 1.6 TDCi Titanium in Vision Blue. It's so smooth and very easy to drive. My current students all seem to love it. You t ...
New Car - Ford Fiesta 1.6 TDCi Titanium