07786 101 170

Gabriel Kupper

Colin is a first rate Driving Instructor and a very nice man. He is patient and kind but knows when to be tough. He actively engages with any questions and addresses any of your concerns directly. There can be no doubt that without Colins help, that I would not have felt so ready and comfortable for my practical driving test. If you are looking for an Instructor who is professional, personable and puts you at ease while driving - Colin is the Instructor for you. Gabriel Kupper

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Jasmine Calladine
22 May 2017 - Jasmine passed in Sevenoaks on her 2nd attempt. Well done Jasmine, that was a really good and well deserved result.
Jasmine Calladine

Lily Baker
07 March 2016 - Lily passed with only 2 minor driving faults! Well done Lily, that was an excellent result.
Lily Baker