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Ashleigh Rhodes

1st time passer
21 November 2022 - Ashleigh passed first time with only 2 driver faults! Well done Ashleigh, that was an excellent result.
21 November 2022 - Ashleigh passed first time with only 2 driving faults! Well done Ashleigh, that was an excellent result.

Standard rate
Flexible lesson times

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Gabriel Kupper
16 February 2022 - Gabriel passed in Tunbridge Wells driving his own car with 'ZERO' driving faults! Well done Gabe, that was an absolutely brilliant result.
Gabriel Kupper

Viktorija Pociene
12 April 2011 - "I cannot believe I have a driving licence. My dreams came true. Colin's help, encouragement, patience, support and understanding helped to achieve this. Colin is a fantastic teacher. ...
Viktorija Pociene